Editorial BoardTEST2
The role of the Editorial Board is to produce the best journal possible for readers of the journal. BMJ encourages editorial freedom and agrees to fully support editorial decisions and potentially controversial expressions of opinion by the Editors provided they are evidence based. In turn, our Editors agree to abide by BMJ’s policies and procedures. Our Editors also agree to seek and engage a broad and diverse array of authors, reviewers, editorial board members and readers.
All BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine Editorial Board members agree and adhere to the BMJ Editor Roles and Responsibilities guidelines; this includes our Editorial Board policies on confidentiality, peer review and timeliness and competing interests.

Juan VA Franco
Heinrich-Heine University
Düsseldorf, Germany
Declaration of Interests

A family physician and researcher with expertise in evidence-informed healthcare, knowledge translation and patient-centred care. He works as Managing Editor of the Cochrane Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders Group at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Contact editor for the Cochrane Urology Group, Clinical editor at the BMJ, and a member of Cochrane’s Governing Board.
Associate Editors

Fares Alahdab
Houston Methodist Research Institute
Texas, United States

A research methodologist and epidemiologist with a special interest in evidence synthesis, guideline development, cardiovascular imaging, and biomedical informatics. He also works on research methods and meta-epidemiologic studies with a focus on reducing research waste. His experience also includes medical education and the practice of medicine in crisis and conflict zones.

A statistician with experience in clinical trials and systematic reviews, including complex methods for systematic reviews. Her research has focussed on outcome reporting bias and the impact it has in systematic reviews as well as improving methods and reporting of systematic reviews. She is lead of the Methods Support Unit and Statistical Editor in the Cochrane Editorial and Methods Department, and a Senior Editor for the Systematic Reviews journal.

Luis Garegnani
Instituto Universitario Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires, Argentina

A Senior Research Fellow on Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis and Associate Professor in Research Methods at Instituto Universitario Hospital Italiano Cochrane Associate Centre. He supports PT residents within the Intesive Care Unit, teaching mechanical ventilation, respiratory care basics and evidence-based medicine. Research interests include Health Technology Assessments and Meta-epidemiology.

Maria-Inti Metzendorf
Heinrich-Heine University
Düsseldorf, Germany

A graduate information scientist at the Cochrane Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders Group based at the University of Düsseldorf. Her interests include information retrieval methods for evidence synthesis production as well as teaching search methods to medical students, physicians, researchers and information specialists.

Marleen Kunneman
Leiden University Medical Center
Leiden, Netherlands

A Senior Researcher at LUMC and Assistant Professor of Medicine at Mayo Clinic. She is trained as a Clinical Linguist and obtained her PhD in Medicine, focusing on patient-clinician communication and shared decision making (SDM). She has a special interest in technical versus humanistic approaches of SDM, measurement with a wink, burden of patient involvement and making care fit in patients’ lives.

Eva Madrid
Universidad de Valparaíso
Valparaíso, Chile

A full professor at the Medical School and director of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Health Studies and the leader of the Cochrane Associate Centre at University of Valparaíso. She is a member of the Institutional Review Board at Universidad de Valparaiso. Her interests include environmental epidemiology, responsible conduct of research and overdiagnosis/overtreatment.

Nicolás Meza
Universidad de Valparaíso
Valparaíso, Chile

A physician and part of the Cochrane Associate Centre of the University of Valparaíso Chile. During his career, his interest in research and evidence-based medicine led him to participate in consultancies for PAHO, publish articles, and attend international conferences.

David Nunan
Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford
Oxford, UK

A Senior Research Fellow and Director of teaching and education in the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at the University of Oxford. He is a member of the NIHR Health Technology Assessment Prioritisation and Methods Committees for Integrated Community and Social Care. His expertise is in health research methods, critical appraisal and biases, evidence synthesis and medical and EBM education.

An epidemiologist and doctoral researcher in the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at the University of Oxford. Her research focuses on the use of opioids. Her interests include pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacovigilance and device safety, evidence synthesis, open science, and meta-research.

Paula Riganti
UBC Faculty of Medicine
Vancouver, Canada

A family physician and MSc(c) in Medical Education at Cardiff University. She is also an adjunct professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia. Her research interests include shared decision making and decision aids, medical education, curriculum development, and patient involvement in education and healthcare.

Areti Angeliki Veroniki
Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute
Toronto, Canada

A mathematician with doctoral research in biostatistics and epidemiology, her research focuses on optimising health care decision-making through the use of the most valid evidence and, in particular, on advancing the methods for systematic reviews and network meta-analysis. She is an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto in the Institute of Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation. She is also a co-convenor of the Cochrane Statistical Methods Group.
Editorial Board
BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine relies on its Editorial Board to help deliver relevant, trustworthy, evidence-based content with maximum impact to as wide a range of frontline health professionals as possible.
We ask that our Editorial Board members contibute to: content on the latest research that matters; to series articles that offer relevant EBM insight; to blog articles on the dedicated BMJ EBM Clinical Spotlight site and to peer review. If you would like to be part of the debate then we would like you to consider becoming an Editorial Board member.

Haldun Akoglu
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine
Marmara University
Istanbul, Turkey
Haldun Akoglu is currently the Clerkship Director of Marmara University Department of Emergency Medicine and Member of the Research Support Group of Marmara University. Previously he has been involved in academic emergency medicine for over 10 years.

Jeffrey Aronson
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine
University of Oxford
Oxford, UK
Jeffrey Aronson is currently a consultant physician and clinical pharmacologist at the The Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences. His research focuses on innovation in drug therapy, pharmacokinetic–pharmacodynamic modelling and the role of mechanisms in the philosophy of evidence-based medicine.

Douglas Badenoch
Minervation Ltd
Oxford, UK
Douglas Badenoch is an information specialist with over 20 years’ experience in Evidence-Based Health Care. In addition to this his particular interests are in user involvement, information design and knowledge transfer.

Amitava Banerjee
Senior Clinical Lecturer in Clinical Data Science and Honorary Consultant Cardiologist
University College London
London, UK
Amitava Banerjee trained in Oxford, Newcastle, Hull, London and Birmingham with an interest in EBM. Following on from this he studied a Masters in Public Health at Harvard and a DPhil in epidemiology from Oxford.

Jasminder Birdi
Senior Partner (in General Practice) + Senior Appraiser (NHS England SE KSS)
The Elms Medical Practice
Kent, UK
Jasminder Birdi is Senior Partner in a dispensing practice, a Senior Appraiser with NHS England SE KSS, an out-of-hours GP. Previously he has held educational roles with Health Education England (KSS). In addition, he holds a Master’s degree in Evidence-Based Health Care from Oxford University, and is a member of the British Computer Society.

Niklas Bobrovitz
Medical student
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada
Nik is a health researcher and medical student with interests in emergency health services, public health, and research methods.

Emelie Braschi
Clinician Scholar Fellow
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Canada
Emelie Braschi is a recent graduate from Family Medicine Residency with expertise in molecular biology and a special interest in knowledge translation and medical education. In addition to this, his expertise also includes the evaluation of quality in medical education using a shared decision making framework.

Dylan Collins
DPhil Candidate
University of British Columbia
British Columbia, Canada
Mr Collins’ research and work encompasses increasing the use of evidence-based practice in low-resource settings. Previously he completed his PhD at the Centre for Evidence-Based, University of Oxford.

John Coombs
Trainee Physician
The John Hunter Hospital and Hunter New England Health Network
Newcastle, Australia
John Coombs is currently undertaking training as a Physician at St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney. In addition, he holds teaching positions at the University of Notre Dame as well as the University of New South Wales. Having spent time at the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University, he has a keen interest in Evidence-Based practice.

Rachel Dean
Director of Clinical Research
and Excellence in Practice
VetPartners Ltd
York, UK
Rachel Dean is a recognised international leader in the field of Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine and has published widely and teaches this discipline at undergraduate and postgraduate level. She is also a specialist in Feline Medicine and chairs the Association of Charity Vets.

Claudia Dobler
Consultant Respiratory Physician
Liverpool Hospital
Sydney, Australia
Claudia Dobler is interested in clinical, health services and epidemiological research with the aim to improve evidence-based health care for patients with pulmonary diseases. She is also funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council.

Laura Downie
Senior Lecturer
The University of Melbourne
Melbourne, Australia
Laura Downie is a tenured Senior Lecturer in the Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences at the University of Melbourne, provding didactic and clinical training to Doctor of Optometry students. In addition to this she leads the sub-specialty cornea clinic at University of Melbourne eyecare clinic and heads her own research laboratory, the ‘Downie Anterior Eye, Clinical Trials and Research Translation Unit.’

Steven Duckworth
Head of Quality NHS England
NHS England
North East England, UK
Steven Duckworth has an extensive background in older people’s healthcare and cardiovascular and is national lead commissioner for specialised vascular services. He also acts as vice chair of an older person’s charity.

Zack Dumont
Clinical Support Pharmacist
Saskatchewan Health Authority
Saskatchewan, Canada
Zack Dumont maintains clinical practice, with experience in heart failure and anticoagulation. Training and interests include EBM, technology, and leadership. In addition to this he is a clinical pharmacist with the RxFiles academic detailing service and consultant with medSask information service.

Juan Erviti
Head, Unit of Innovation and Organization
Navarre Health Service
Pamplona, Spain
Juan Erviti has interests in pharmacoepidemiology and systematic reviews. In addition to his role at Navarre Health Service, he is Director, Cochrane Associate Center, Editor, Hypertension satellite group in Spain, and a Cochrane KT Advisory Group member.

Tom Fahey
Professor of General Practice
RCSI Medical School, Dublin & HRB Centre for Primary Care Research
Ireland, UK
Tom Fahey is Principal Investigator of the HRB Centre for CPCR. This research programme encompasses prescribing to vulnerable patient groups, evidence-based diagnosis and implementation of research with the use of computer-based Clinical Decision Support Systems.

Thomas Fanshawe
Senior Statistician
University of Oxford
Oxford, UK
Thomas Fanshawe has particular interests in statistical methodology for diagnostic accuracy, risk prediction, and systematic review and meta-analysis. He is currently a senior statistician and departmental lecturer at the Nuffield Department for Primary Care Health Sciences.

Paul Fontelo
Staff Scientist and Director of Biomedical Informatics Training Program
National Library of Medicine
Maryland, USA
Paul Fontelo leads a research program on evidence-based medicine and access to information at the point-of-care for clinical decision support. In addition to this he also develops innovative methods and applications in smartphones and mobile devices, telepathology, and biomarkers for precision medicine.

Charissa Fotinos
Deputy Chief Medical Officer Washington State Health Care Authority
University of Washington
Washington DC, USA
Charissa Fotinos is a Family and Addiction Medicine physician. Currently working for the State of Washington Medicaid Program, she has spent her career working with less served communities.

Peter Gill
Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatrics
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada
Peter Gill is a general paediatrician and clinician-researcher at the Hospital for Sick Children and Honorary Fellow at the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine. Here his research focuses on improving evidence-based care for children.

Lars Hemkens
Senior Scientist, Department of Clinical Research
Deputy Director, Institute for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
University Hospital Basel
Basel, Switzerland
Lars Hemkens work focuses on improving evidence-based health care with routinely collected data, pragmatic trials and meta-research. Previosuly he was based at the Stanford Prevention Research Center and at IQWiG (Department of the Director).

Tammy Hoffmann
Professor of Clinical Epidemiology
Bond University
Queensland, Australia
Tammy Hoffmann leads the Centre for Evidence-Informed Health Decisions, with her research spanning many aspects of shared decision making, evidence-based practice, and minimising waste in research. In addition to this she is also Co-Director of the Australasian EQUATOR Centre.

Mohamed Jalloh
Assistant Professor of Clinical Sciences Department
Touro University California
California, USA
Mohamed Jalloh is a pharmacist and Assistant Professor at Touro University, California. Previously he completed a 2 year post-doctoral fellowship in evidence based medicine at Creighton University in Omaha, NE.

Amy Keir
Researcher and Consultant Neonatologist
University of Adelaide
Adelaide, South Australia
Amy Keir is a neonatologist and researcher with interests in evidence-based medicine and clinical practice improvement. She is passionate about improving the delivery of the evidence-based care for newborn infants.

Min Seo Kim
Samsung Advanced Institute for Health Sciences & Technology (SAIHST), Samsung Medical Center
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Min Kim seeks to increase the level of evidence of clinically relevant findings using a framework of systematic review and meta-analysis. He is particularly interested in epidemiology, risk prediction, and genetics.

Tracey Koehlmoos
Associate Professor & Director
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
Maryland, USA
Tracey Koehlmoos is a systems and policy researcher specialising in leading complex tasks and capacity building across the spectrum of health systems building blocks. Previously she served as Special Assistant to the Assistant Commandant, Marine Corps and Director, Health & Family Planning Systems Program at ICDDR,B.

Janet Martin
Associate Professor, Departments of Anesthesia & Perioperative Medicine and Epidemiology & Biostatistics
University of Western Ontario>
Ontario, Canada
Janet Martin is a clinical epidemiologist with a keen interest in evidence synthesis, evidence sufficiency, and knowledge translation with special emphasis on anesthesia, surgery, and critical care in resource-restricted and resource-rich settings across the globe.

Sharon Mickan
Professor of Allied Health
Griffith University and Gold Coast Health
Queensland, Australia
Sharon Mickan’s research is focused on the active integration of current research in clinical practice, building research skills and capacity in healthcare clinicians, promoting interprofessional learning and teamwork. Currently she designs and evaluates strategies to promote the research knowledge and engagement of allied health clinicians.

Francis Githae Muriithi
CESR (CP) Trainee in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, East Midlands North Deanery
Queen’s Medical Centre Campus, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
Nottingham, UK
Francis Muriithi has clinical expertise in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and was an Oxford Academic Health Science Network fellow in Evidence-Based Health Care. Previously he trained at the University of Nairobi, Aga Khan University, Oxford, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and the Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research (Sexual and Reproductive Health).

Jason Oke
Senior Statistician
University of Oxford
Oxford, UK
Jason Oke is a senior statistician at the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences. Here his research is focused around cancer diagnosis in primary care, evaluating the effectiveness of diagnostic tests and studying the problems of overdiagnosis, over-treatment and medicalisation.

Ahmed Rashid
Senior Clinical Teaching Fellow & GP
UCL Medical School
London, UK
Ahmed Rashid combined his NHS clinical training with an NIHR sponsored research fellowship at the University of Cambridge and a national leadership fellowship at the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence.

Manuel Ribeiro Neto
Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine
Cleveland Clinic
Ohio, USA
Manuel Ribeiro Neto is a pulmonary physician at the Cleveland Clinic, with a focus on Interstitial Lung Diseases, Sarcoidosis, and Advanced Diagnostic Bronchoscopy. In addition to this he is also a tutor at the Duke University Evidence Based Medicine Workshop.

Carol Rivas
Associate Professor
University College London
London, UK
Carol Rivas is an Associate Professor in Social Policy and Programme Evaluation and lectures to MSc students on evidence-based healthcare. In addition to this she is particularly interested in communication in medical settings and, as a methodologist, uses techniques as varied as conversation analysis and health informatics to explore this.

Ryan Rodriguez
Assistant Professor and Clinical Pharmacist
University of Illinois
Chicago, USA
Ryan Rodriguez provides evidence-based research and formulary management services for a variety of clients. His teaching in the PharmD curriculum involves research design, biostatistics, and critical literature evaluation. In additon to this his research interests involve systematic reviews and medication safety.

Sarah Tanveer
PhD Candidate/Graduate Research Assistant
University of Maryland, USA
Sarah Tanveer is a PhD candidate in the Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research at University of Maryland, Baltimore. Her area of interest is within pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacovigilance, causal inference, and use of real-world data for regulatory decision making.

Neeti Rustagi
Associate Professor
AIIMS Jodhpur
Rajasthan, India
Neeti Rustagi is currently contributing as faculty in the ATLS program and acting as coordinator for the pre-hospital trauma care program in Jodhpur district. Previously she has worked specifically in areas of non-communicable diseases, maternal and child health, adolescent health and injury epidemiology.

James Scott
Chair Emeritus and Adjunct Professor
University of Iowa College of Medicine
Iowa, USA
James Scott expertise is in clinical obstetrics and gynecology. In addition to this he is interested in evidence-based medicine, EQUATOR, medical writing and other publication issues.

Bethany Shinkins
Test Evaluation Group Lead
University of Leeds
Leeds, UK
Bethany Shinkins is a statistician and health economist who currently specialises in economic evaluations of tests and is a Senior Associate Tutor on the MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care at the University of Oxford. In addition to this she has a particular research interest in screening and diagnosis.

Sonal Singh
Associate Professor
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Massachusetts, USA
Sonal Singh has expertise in evidence synthesis, drug safety and shared decision making. As a result of this he has served as a consultant to the World Bank, WHO International Agency for Research Cancer, the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality, pharmaceutical sponsors and research firms and is a practicing general internist.

Garth Slysz
Hospitalist Physician
Prince County Hospital
Prince Edward Island, Canada
Garth Slysz has practiced family and hospitalist medicine for 28 years. During that time, he taught medicine undergraduates and family medicine residents as well as led medical missions to Haiti. For his work, in 2016 he was awarded a Canada’s Family Physicians of the Year, Reg L. Perkin Award.

Rene Spijker
Information Specialist
UMC Utrecht
Utrecht, Netherlands
Rene Spijker is a trained molecular biologist with a specialty in immunology. He is an information specialist with Cochrane Netherlands and the Amsterdam University Medical Centres since 2008. In addition to this he is currently a member of the Cochrane council, the Cochrane Information Specialist executive, ICASR, CLeF e-medicine lab, and various Cochrane methods groups.

Chandrashekhar T Sreeramareddy
Associate Professor Division of Community Medicine
International Medical University
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Chandrashekhar Sreeramareddy’s teaching areas include maternal and child health in developing countries, infectious diseases, research methods, epidemiology and biostatistics. His research interests include Tuberculosis and tobacco control. In addition to this he is a collaborator on the Global Burden of Disease study (University of Washington, USA).

Oliver Steichen
Full time professor of internal medicine
Tenon Hospital
Paris, France,
Oliver Steichen is interested by the issues raised when applying research evidence to individual patient care. He is also involved in the movement toward the effective analysis of routinely collected clinical data to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes.

Beth Stuart
Senior Research Fellow
University of Southampton
Southampton, UK
Beth Stuart’s research interests cover the application of statistical models to data for secondary analysis, including for the purposes of evidence synthesis. This currently includes studies on the harmonisation of outcome measures and the development of core outcome sets.

Apostolos Tsapas
Professor of Medicine and Diabetes
Aristotle University Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki, Greece
Apostolos Tsapas is a hospitalist specialised in Internal Medicine and Diabetes at Ippokratio Hospital in addition to being the Head of the Clinical research and Evidence-Based Medicine Unit at Aristotle University Thessaloniki. His work also focuses on meta-research, shared decision-making and guideline development in diabetes.

Lorainne Tudor Car
Assistant Professor of Evidence Based Medicine
Nanyang Technological University
Lorainne Tudor Car’s research focuses on seizing the transformative power of digital technology for patient empowerment and health education, she is also a Cochrane Public Health Group methods editor

António Vaz Carneiro
Professor, Faculty of Medicine
University of Lisbon
Lisbon, Portugal
António Vaz Carneiro is a specialist in Internal Medicine, Nephrology and Clinical Pharmacology. In addition to this he is the Director of the Center for EBM, of the Institute for Preventive Medicine and Public Health and the Head of Cochrane Portugal.

William Warr
Doctoral Researcher
University of Oxford
Oxford, UK
William’s research focuses on the intersection between public health and policy. He is looking at using mobile technology to implement, evaluate and model digital obesity interventions. Previously William studied policy at Cambridge and worked in the Prime Minister’s Implementation Unit.

David Warriner
Cardiology Registrar
Leeds General Infirmary
Leeds, UK
David Warriner is a cardiologist, with an interest in adult congenital heart disease and heart disease in pregnancy. He has also combined his clinical training with an EPSRC research fellowship at Sheffield University and a national leadership fellowship at NHS England and the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, working on the Choosing Wisely campaign.
Publishing Team
Publishing Assistant: Kelly Turner
Publisher: Claire Rawlinson