Shared decision is the only outcome that matters when it comes to evaluating evidence-based practiceJames McCormack, Glyn Elwyn12 July 2018
Faecal immunochemical tests have the potential for correctly ruling out colorectal cancer in symptomatic patientsCarlo Senore, Ulrike Haug15 March 2018
Intensive versus standard blood pressure treatment improves cardiovascular outcomes without any difference in patient-reported outcomesDavid McCartney, Richard J McManus16 March 2018
Short-term cancer risks associated with oral contraceptives are balanced by longer term benefitsPenelope M Webb, Susan J Jordan29 March 2018
Supplementary antimicrobials for patients with HIV and <100 CD4 cells/µL are associated with improved survivalGeorge W Rutherford, Elvin Geng13 November 2017
Unblinded ASCOT study results do not rule out that muscle symptoms are an adverse effect of statinsBhavin B Adhyaru, Terry A Jacobson22 October 2017
Long-acting reversible contraception acceptability and satisfaction is high among adolescentsDavid Hubacher18 September 2017
Longer screening intervals are recommended following a negative HPV test in primary cervical screeningJulian Peto, Clare Gilham22 July 2017
Haem iron and nitrate/nitrite account for much of the mortality increase associated with red meat consumptionSabine Rohrmann, Jakob Linseisen16 August 2017
Value of screening for and treating pre-diabetes is reduced by low test accuracy and indirect evidence of impact on patient important outcomesNeri A Alvarez-Villalobos, Rene Rodriguez-Gutierrez, Victor M Montori22 July 2017