Successes, shortcomings and learning opportunities for evidence-based medicine from the COVID-19 pandemicArnav Agarwal, Gordon Guyatt
30 July 2024
Bad news: how the media reported on an observational study about cardiovascular outcomes of COVID-19Camilla Alderighi, Raffaele Rasoini, Rebecca De Fiore, Fabio Ambrosino, Steven Woloshin
17 April 2024
Correspondence on “How methodological pitfalls have created widespread misunderstanding about long COVID” by Høeg et alThomas R Fanshawe
7 December 2023
How methodological pitfalls have created widespread misunderstanding about long COVIDTracy Beth Høeg, Shamez Ladhani, Vinay Prasad
25 September 2023
Reliance on the highest-quality studies of Long Covid is appropriate and not evidence of biasTracy Beth Høeg, Shamez Ladhani, Vinay Prasad
7 December 2023
Enhanced access but increased testing with virtual care: insights from a multinational surveyRebecca Kathleen Metcalfe, Alexander Singer, Lisa LaBine, Lyricy Francis, Wendy Levinson
15 September 2023
Piloting a new method to estimate action thresholds in medicine through intuitive weighingBart K M Jacobs, Alfred Kipyegon Keter, Aquiles Rodrigo Henriquez-Trujillo, Paco Trinchan, Madeleine L de Rooij, Tom Decroo, Lutgarde Lynen
30 August 2023
Challenges to delivering evidence-based management for long COVIDSasha Peiris, Ariel Izcovich, Pedro Ordunez, Silvana Luciani, Carmen Martinez, Sylvain Aldighieri, Ludovic Reveiz
25 July 2023
Proof of concept: all-virtual guideline development workshops using GRADE during the COVID-19 pandemicMadelin R Siedler, M Hassan Murad, Rebecca L Morgan, Yngve Falck-Ytter, Reem A Mustafa, Shahnaz Sultan, Philipp Dahm
29 September 2022
School closures during COVID-19: an overview of systematic reviewsSamuel Hume, Samuel Robert Brown, Kamal Ram Mahtani
31 March 2023